IVPA Welcomes AJWS as Newest Member

American Jewish World Services Joins IVPA

The International Volunteer Programs Association (IVPA) welcomes American Jewish World Services (AJWS) as the newest IVPA member.

AJWS is an international development organization guided by Judaism’s imperative to pursue justice. AJWS offers service and travel opportunities as part of their mission to “to alleviating poverty, hunger and disease among the people of the developing world regardless of race, religion or nationality. “ AJWS programs are open to those with Jewish backgrounds who wish to serve and include shorter-term opportunities, like their Alternative Breaks, and longer-term programs like their Volunteer Summer, World Partners Fellows and Volunteer Corps programs.
“AJWS is known for their quality in programing. They offer well-structured, rigorous programs that give a deep experience in service.” says IVPA Executive Director Genevieve Brown. “We are excited to be announcing AJWS’s membership in IVPA.”

IVPA stands for quality and responsibility in the field of international volunteering. Organizations in
the US are eligible for membership in IVPA if they meet IVPA’s Practices and Principles and have at
least two years of incorporation.


About IVPA

The International Volunteer Programs Association (IVPA) is an association of non-governmental organizations involved in international volunteer work and internship exchanges. IVPA is an association of volunteer sending organizations but does not organize or run its own volunteer programs. IVPA stands for quality and responsibility in the field of international volunteer abroad programs. Members uphold the IVPA’s Principles and Practices as guidelines for good programming as well as meet stringent membership criteria


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