Recently, IVPA member, Global Citizens Network (GCN) was featured on the site fundraising site Tipping Bucket to raise money for a health clinic in Odienya, Kenya. In just five days GCN succeeded in raising $2,947 for the clinic. One hundred and forty nine people donated to “tip the bucket”. GCN’s Kenyan community host, Mike Agedo had this to say for the effort:
“TO ALL THE G.C.N. team who participated towards this cause, either in kind or monetary, I on behalf of Odienya do thank you. AND indeed I can’t wait to meet and work with the team coming later this year. EROKAMANO!”
The Tipping Bucket is a unique new platform for fundraising. A project is featured on their site for a certain period of time (ex 5-6 days) and a goal for how much money to raise. Social media is then used to raise awareness for the project. People donate through the site and if the goal is reached then the bucket is “tipped” and the project is funded. If the goal is not reached by the deadline, then the project does not receive the funds and those who had committed to donate are not charged. So it is an all or nothing proposition. What do you think of this idea of “crowd-funding” as a way to raise funds?