I have read so many recent blog pieces, news stories etc. that highlight voluntourism as one of the hot trends for 2011.
For example:
The Center for American Progress named voluntourism as a top “green trend” for 2011 http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/01/ebg_010511.html
and The Travel Word recently highlighted voluntourism as one of many terms for ethical travel http://www.tourism-review.com/the-meaning-of-various-labels-used-for-ethical-travel-news2570
and International Tourism Trade Fairs Association in the UK recently highlighted Voluntourism as a growing field. http://www.travelmole.com/press_article.php?news_id=1146021
The term “voluntourism” is definitely getting out more and more in print but will this year really be the year of the voluntourist?
Voluntourism, of course has been around for a long time and had seen incredible growth in the last 10 years, though the experience may have been called international volunteering or volunteering abroad. When the recession hit there was a dip in that growth but as the economy continues to recover I think we will continue to see a trend of increased attention, interest and opportunities to volunteer abroad and be a voluntouist.
What do you think, is 2011 the year?
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